

1. Sign up:

1.1.1  To sign up you must post your nick, nationality, team, colors in 000-000-000/000-000-000 format and your number.

1.1.2   The number you choose must be between 2 and 99. No. 1 would be reserved for the champion of the last season.

1.2 You can sign up in a team, but you can also drive as privateer.

2.  Settings: 

2.1 Races are 10km long.

2.2 You race with 3 Ais, you start as last and you CAN'T change the AI-Level!

2.3 Tyre wear: 15%

2.4 Fuel wear: 10%

2.5 Fuel mass: 75kg

2.6 Damage: 35%

2.7 There is no login. You have unlimited times, but only the 1st e-mail of the player counts!

3. After the Race:

3.1 You must send you results via e-mail to ........ There must be save, screen and track file.

3.2 Deadline is at 23:59 CET (UTC+1) at the last day of race. But you can make the race at any time, that is before the deadline.

3.3 Files should be called:  RaceX---Userxyz, Example: Race1---RobertRacer

3.4 If 2 or more drivers have the same result/time, that driver will have the better position, who had the fastest lap.

3.4.1. If it's still a tie, that driver will get the better position, that submitted his race earlier.

4. Offences and Penalties:

4.1 Wallbouncing is prohibited, 1 time means warning, more times gives time penalty depending of the gravity.

4.2 Cutting not prohibited, but when you miss a check-point, you get a 1 lap penalty. :P

4.3 For driving with wrong settings you get a warning, if it's disadvantaging you, or if it's advantaging you, a DSQ.

4.4 Wrong car means DSQ.

4.5 If you forget one or more files, you get a DNF.

4.6 If you drive with a modified car, you get a DSQ.

4.7 If you cheat the game/save, you will be suspended from the Season or generally from the championship.

4.8 Other Offences, that could give you a advantage, you will get a penalty/warning depending of the gravity of it.

4.9 3x Warnings give you a 10 second penalty for the next race.(If the 3th Warning will be given in the last race, it will be given for the SAME race.)

5. Standing and Points:

5.1 Points will be given after the F1 system (25-18-15-12-10-8-6-4-2-1)

5.2 The Driver/Team Standing will be determined about:

5.2.1 the number of points

5.2.2 the number of wins

5.2.3 the number of 2nd places etc.

5.2.4 If it's still a tie between 2 drivers, that driver will be better placed, which they best position was shorter in the past.



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